Monthly Archives: February 2018

Review of Trick or Treatment

trick_or_treatmentTrick or Treatment by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst is a book that explains how ineffective medical techniques were until medical professionals adopted a scientific approach to testing treatments, and reviews how various alternative medicines have performed under the scrutiny of high-quality modern clinical trials.

This book will be interesting to ancaps for two reasons. The first is that those of us who were not raised libertarian but had to go through the world-shattering process of learning it as adults tend to be vulnerable to people peddling bad medical advice and bogus treatments. This book will help protect you from charlatans and snake-oil salesmen.

The second reason is that it contains interesting historical facts about how government has impeded progress in the medical field, adding to its already-unfathomable death toll. Continue reading

Libertarian Scholars Conference


Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell

Exciting news! The Mises Institute will be running a libertarian research conference on Saturday, October 20th, 2018 in New York City. Called the Libertarian Scholars Conference, it will be a forum for discussing ideas on liberty from any discipline.

The conference is calling for paper submissions so, if you have an article that you have been working on or some idea that has been brewing, this event will be your opportunity to get feedback from the world’s libertarian thought leaders. Even if you don’t want to write or present a paper, you can still attend to get an early look at cutting-edge libertarian research and spend some quality time with your fellow liberty-lovers.

For more information or to register, go here.

For the local AnCap meetup, go here.